Ted Lasso's Believe sig has become such a positive icon for encouragement and faith. Sometimes there are no other words that fit as well as this one. Believe in yourself, in the good in the world, in a future in the support of friends... that tough times will pass and better ones are on the horizon. Believe... what does it mean to you?

Make this eye-catching sign for yourself or others with a DIY Art Kit from Three & Me here or source your own supplies and follow along.

The DIY Art Kit comes with:
1 base sign, with engraved letter outlines (various sizes available)
Believe letters cut out
paint in yellow, blue and white
1 re-usable paint brush
1 wedge
From home you'll need:
paper plate
paper towels
masking tape (optional)
glue, if your pieces are not self-adhesive- I recommend Aleene's Turbo Tacky glue
Let's do it....

Separate out the letters from the base.

Blend together some white and yellow paint to create a better base layer.
The yellow acrylic paint tends to be a little translucent, so by adding a bit of white paint to it, you'll get better coverage.

Apply the paint in long even strokes with the broad side of your sponge brush.
Allow the base coat to dry fully.

Apply additional coats of paint, adding more and more yellow to, until you get to the level of brightness you like.

After 3 coats, the scored lettering is still visible, for easy letter placement.
Allow the base to dry fully.

While the base dries line up your BELIEVE letters. If you don't want paint all over your fingers, place them on a strip of up-turned masking tape.

Using the sponge wedge, dab a small amount of blue paint onto the letters.
For the base layer, you can blend some white paint into the blue. But be careful, to not overload your sponger, or paint will drip down the edges and look messy.

After about 3 coats, the letters look solidly painted.
If you did get paint dripping down the sides, use a black sharpie to color the edges.

Check if your letters are self-adhesive. If your set has a removable film on the back of the letters, you will have self-adhesive pieces, and you won't need glue. Just peel away the backing and stick your letters straight into their places.
If not, use Aleene's Turbo Tacky glue, wood glue or superglue to stick your letters onto the sign.
Do not use too much glue.

And glued.
Give it a few moments to settle.
Apply command strips or lean your sign on a shelf.

What a fabulous eye-catching piece of inspiration for any room and reason. Pairs well with English shortbread biscuits and tea. ;)
I like to add messages on the back and use it as a forever card to uplift someone going through a tough time. How will you use your sign?
I'd love to see photos of your creations! Please send me an email or tag it with @threeand.me or #threeandme on social media.
Thank you for joining this Three & Me art experience. I hope you had so much fun creating this sign. If you have questions, suggestions or feedback, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly here.
Claire Houlding
